Rebbe did not poskin


  • In another instance with regards to a child who suddenly stopped speaking and the parents tried chiropractic treatments as a last resort, the Rebbe replied as follows, “This is a form of treatment that many doctors have begun to use and is called chiropractic. This treatment does not involve any supernatural form of healing, and both those who practice it and those who don’t, agree that it is a physiological form of healing and it is only debated as to its efficacy and nothing more. Accordingly, this should serve as an answer to the question of whether it is Halachically permitted to continue with such treatment. However, since it is not my calling to answer Halachic questions, they should therefore gain thorough knowledge about all the details of the treatment and then turn to a Rav in their area who can give a Halachic ruling regarding it. Regarding if it is good advice, outside of the Halachic aspects, to continue to visit this Dr., since you already see an improvement then it’s advisable to continue.”[6]