
 The Toldos zt'l and Reb Nachman of Horedenka zt'l once traveled to Mezhibuz to spend Shabbos with the Baal Shem Tov. They left early on Friday and planned to arrive well before Shabbos. However, a governor was traveling slowly in front of them, and the strange local laws did not allow anyone to pass the governor. 

After the Toldos expressed his concern that they might not arrive in time for Shabbos, Rebbe Nachman Horedenka told him that whenever he encounters a roadblock in life he works to raise his emunah that the roadblock is for his benefit. Not only that, but the roadblock will actually help him to reach his destination. 

Sure enough, the pair arrived at a city on its market day. Usually, the crowds make passage difficult, but the crowds cleared the road so the governor could pass. And since the Toldos and Rebbe Nachman Horedenka were right behind the governor, they were able to pass right through the city. They arrived in Mezhibuz well before Shabbos. 

The obstacle removed a bigger obstacle. I have seen this happen in my own life and am sure that you have seen it in yours.