The Rebbe was against Zionism

 The Rebbe was against Zionism

 אמנם צריכים להיות נגד הציונות, אך את האנשים המחזיקים בה באופן אישי יש לקרב, כלומר: מקרבים כל יהודי מאחר שהוא יהודי, אך לא מקרבים יחד איתו את הציונות שבו ח"ו

שיחות קודש תשכ"ז ח"ב ע' 407

It is true that we must be against Zionism, but one should still engage in outreach with the people who cling to it. That is to say, one should do kiruv with every Jew because he is a Jew. However, the Zionism should not be brought in along with him.

Lubavitcher Rebbe

Sichos Kodesh, 5727, p. 407


  The Lubavitcher Rebbe said, “If God has blessed you with abilities – and He created nothing in vain – so if He gave you such abilities, you must utilize all of them in fulfilling your Divine mission. And you must do so in a way that no talent is left untapped.” He wasn’t talking only about Gemara skills. He guided people to be researchers, doctors, journalists, artists, teachers. He said, “God guides the steps of each person. If God put you in a specific place – literally and also in terms of your position and influence, it is God guiding you. He put you there for a reason.”

Living Torah, 924 "Think Big."